At a life changing retreat, after half a decade of adult life doing what was expected of her, Manuela discovered how out of touch she was with her own feelings and realised what she wanted to do, working with others to help them on the same journey of discovery.

She went on to get a Masters in Applied Positive Psychology and multiple certificates in Emotional Intelligence, Resilience, Mindfulness, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and Neuroscience. She became an International Association of Coaching Certified Masteries Coach and specialises in working with children and their parents. She is passionate about Resilience, Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Parenting and Relationships, and about how people can flourish as individuals and together. Emotional exploration has been key to her work.

We strongly believe that the use of practical tools to broaden the conversation, deepen understanding, and enhance client empowerment.


Stimulate the senses with colour and touch. Enhance your clients’ sense of agency. Bring their inner world into the light


Take your coaching deeper into these core areas of human psychology to explore stories that hold them back and create those of motivation and aspiration.