Tell Your Story Cards For International Creative Storytelling

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Help anyone tell their story in a visual and engaging way

These text-free images, emojis and link cards can be used in any language and with non-verbal clients

These story cards are a fantastic way for groups and individuals to represent ideas, stories, feelings and much more to each other purely through visual imagery. As well as adding a distinctive element to any coaching, training or group exercise these story telling cards, with no language barriers, are particularly suited to cross-cultural team events and consultants and coaches who work in different languages.

Using coaching cubes and story cards to stimulate story telling and sense-making

Use tell your story cards to create optimism, hope and possibility

Free user guide to Tell Your Story Cards 

Created by Sarah Lewis

This picture card set was created by  Sarah Lewis, chartered organisational psychologist, author, and founder of Appreciating Change and The Positive Psychology Shop. She created them to meet the need for story-telling cards that allowed emotions and causality to be linked into the visual picture.

'This is the fourth positive psychology learning tool I have created to help with my consulting practice and it's the one I'm most proud of and excited about because the possibilities are endless - communication and understanding between individuals, in groups and across organisations can only be improved by helping people to tell their story!' 

Suggested Uses for the Tell Your Story Card Pack

The stories we tell about life affect how we act in life. Working with the stories people hold in their heads is key to all personal, team or organizational development. Whatever your profession, these cards can help you help people tell their important stories.

Story telling with any language group. Whichever language you work in, these text-free cards allow people and teams to present their story in their own way. Use images that capture life events together with the symbol cards to knit together story elements and their relationships into an externalized, visual pattern.

Infinite story creation. Carefully selected to offer a range of images that work literally and as metaphors, the picture cards allow for the expression of an infinite number of stories. Use the visual shorthand offered by the symbol cards to exposure the links and relationships between story elements. Shift the cards to shift the story.

Shrink fear and expand hope to create a better story. Life’s problems have a tendency to rattle around our heads on an endless loop. These expressive cards mean the story, conundrum or challenge is out on the table. Then add elements, expose other relationships or question unhelpful thinking to address fears and generate hope.

Put the unspeakable into pictures and change the story. Shame, fear and other distressing emotions can make it hard to share an experience. Ambiguous, dark images included in the pack are designed to provide a bridge to telling and owning difficult stories by first expressing it in pictures and symbols. Once the story is told, it can be worked with.

Create shared stories to strengthen the family or team. Connecting disparate stories is a great way to create shared understanding and aspirations. With the stories held out in the open connections and shared beliefs can be found, created or strengthened. Build positive, hopeful stories for the future.

Many other uses: Our Tell Your Story Cards contain a variety of carefully selected images, symbols and emojis for use with a wide audience in any country. They are perfect for

  • Helping People Tell Their Story in Many Different Settings
  • Externalising Difficult Events and Emotions
  • Sharing Stories In Multi-lingual or Cross-cultural Events
  • When it is Hard for People to Articulate Their Story, for whatever reason
  • Making Stories Accessible to Other People
  • Helping People Reframe Unhelpful or Damaging Stories
  • Life Story Work in Coaching, Therapeutic and Many Other Contexts
  • General Story Telling work in any setting, including Schools and Workplaces
  • Coaching, Leadership Development, Team Development
  • Appreciative Inquiry

The cards can be used to tell both positive and more difficult stories. With this mixture of carefully selected images, emojis, mathematical and other symbols on both sides these cards offer thousands of possible different combinations.

They are particularly recommended for coaches, consultants, educators and therapists.

 Detailed exercise guide Take a Sad Story and Make it Better

Product Information for Tell Your Story Card Pack

Your 11.8 x 16.1 x 2.1cm pack weighs 0.27 kg and contains everything you need for storytelling work in any language.

  • 1 title card
  • 45 double-sided cards containing
    • 68 varied images. The images are open to interpretation so they can be used both literally where a picture of a house represents a house, or metaphorically, where it represents feeling safe and contained.
    • 13 mathematical and other symbols which can help indicate lines of causality or, such as with the ? mark, further states of emotion or cognition
    • 7 emoji cards. These cards, indicating different emotional states, can be used add emotional colour to the selected images
  • A sturdy easy-open see-through polypropylene box that to keep your cards together and protect them

 Tell Your Story Cards on Deckhive

Our Tell Your Story Cards are also available on Deckhive, the online card sharing platform, so you can use them with groups even when you are meeting remotely. See how on the video below and find our cards on Deckhive Use our special code SARAH25 to get your discount.

Shipping, Discount, Payment and Customs

US Customers - Product now shipped directly from USA, for a quicker service with no custom duties and reduced postage. Just order from our website as usual.PLEASE NOTE

1. For customers outside of the UK (other than in the US), customs duties may be charged on your order, unfortunately we cannot pay these or incorporate them into our prices, they are your responsibility to pay. You should be contacted by your domestic postal carrier to pay these if incurred.

2. For bulk orders of over 10 packs please contact us with your requirements. We may be able to offer a discount.

3. If you have any incompatibility issues with our automated online payments system please contact Jem Smith directly to arrange alternative payment options at:


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