Appreciating Change is the sister company to The Positive Psychology Shop. We are passionate about bringing positive psychology to the workplace, to create flourishing organizations and to support positive personal growth and development.

We do this through our consultancy and training services. These are run by Sarah Lewis, a chartered organisational psychologist and post-graduate university lecturer with thirty years of working with organizations to create positive, strengths-based and sustainable change. Sarah is also the owner of The Positive Psychology Shop - which actually grew out of her need to find practical tools to use in her consultancy and training work!

Sarah believes strongly that the value she brings to organisations lies in the application of science-backed practical activity to create lasting and sustainable change; and in teaching others how to do this.

We have a number of different ways to help organizations and individuals achieve their potential in a positive way. Some of these are provided by Sarah directly through her other company, Appreciating Change, while others are provided by trusted partners of hers. You can find them all below.