Sarah Lewis Owner and Creator of The Positive Psychology Shop

I’m Sarah Lewis the owner and creator of The Positive Psychology Shop and I’m delighted to introduce myself and the shop a little more.
History of the Positive Psychology ShopInitially developed to fulfil an ambition to make my products available to others, the shop has expanded to provide a wide range of development tools to help coaches, consultants, educators, facilitators, trainers, leaders and managers enable their clients, teams and organizations to flourish. We are proud to sell internationally with customers based in Australia, Singapore and Hongkong, most countries in Europe, and the American continent, amongst places. Recently, , in some parts of the world, we have started working more closely with Amazon, and other country-based resellers, to reduce costs and delivery times for our customers.
Selecting the Development Tools for the Positive Psychology Shop
We are dedicated to bringing the benefits of positive psychology to the workplace and select our products to be expert created and science backed. We offer free papers to download as well as books and tools for sale, all of which are positive psychology based. Our ambition is to encourage flourishing in the workplace. We offer a carefully curated selection of tools to cover a wide range of educational or development need.
A little about me, Sarah Lewis
From an early career as a social worker, I moved to management and then to consultancy. I offer my consultancy service as Appreciating Change. My passion for helping people grow and develop is lifelong and has taken many forms. Over the years I have worked as a coach, consultant, trainer, facilitator and university lecturer. I have led workshops, written books, given keynote speeches, made videos and produced my own development tools.
Along the way I have become a chartered psychologist with the British Psychological Society, acquired qualifications in consultancy and teaching and become qualified to use various psychological tools. You can see all this in detail on my LinkedIn profile.
Presently I work as a post-graduate university lecturer at the University of Anglia Ruskin in Cambridge, run workshops, give keynotes and work for my clients on varied assignments. I also continue to write books and develop tools. I am also working continually to improve and upgrade our shop, to bring the benefits of positive psychology to more people.
I am proud to be recognised as one of the pioneers of Appreciative Inquiry in the UK and as an early adopter of positive psychology approaches to work challenges. All of this expertise, acquired over the last thirty years or more, is distilled into my books and products, and my selection of appropriate and useful tools for the shop. I hope you find what you are looking for here. I would love to hear from you with any questions about the products, or with recommendations for positive psychology products you think might be of interest to us.