Professor Ilona Boniwell

Ilona Boniwell

Professor Ilona Boniwell is a leading light in the positive psychology field. She established the first Masters of Applied Positive Psychology in the UK at the University of East London, and went on to establish the International Masters in Applied Psychology at Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge. Recently she has returned to UEL to lead the combined positive psychology and coaching programme. 

Professor Boniwell is a highly sought after international speaker on positive psychology and runs a very successful positive psychology consultancy, based in France.

She has produced a wonderful range of tools to aide consultants and psychologists in their quest to bring positive psychology to the workplace. All her tools are supported by the highest standard of psychological research. We are proud to be the leading outlet for the English language version of her excellent products.

The design of all of Ilona’s tools have been informed by her work with clients, and have been extensively used in the field by Sarah Lewis. Please contact us if you have any queries about how to use any of Ilona’s products.

We strongly believe that the use of practical tools to broaden the conversation, deepen understanding, and enhance client empowerment.


Stimulate the senses with colour and touch. Enhance your clients’ sense of agency. Bring their inner world into the light


Take your coaching deeper into these core areas of human psychology to explore stories that hold them back and create those of motivation and aspiration.