Inspired by their desire to apply the principles of positive psychology in an engaging and meaningful way, Martin and Michele created their products with a simple aim – to help individuals, teams and organisations be more aware of their strengths, so they can be at their best more of the time.

From the outset they have focused on creating products that are a pleasure to use and have a positive emotional impact on people, as well as being engaging and meaningful.  

Find out more about them here

And  learn more about their fantastic book that says thank you for being you here.  


We strongly believe that the use of practical tools to broaden the conversation, deepen understanding, and enhance client empowerment.


Stimulate the senses with colour and touch. Enhance your clients’ sense of agency. Bring their inner world into the light


Take your coaching deeper into these core areas of human psychology to explore stories that hold them back and create those of motivation and aspiration.